Hybrid Greenhouse Cucumber
- Summer variety with stable production in hot conditions
- Excellent fruit quality
- High yield
- Strong resistance package
- Versatile – successful in a range of conditions
- Grown commercially in NZ and worldwide
- Resistances: HR CGMMV/Cca/Ccu/Px(exSf) IR CMV/CVYV.
Disease Resistance Key
- HR = High Resistance IR = Intermediate Resistance
- CGMMV = Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus
- Cca = Corynespora cassiicola Target spot
- Ccu = Cladisporium cucmerinum Scab
- Px (exSf) = Podosphaeria xanthii (ex Sphaerotheca fuliginea
- CMV = Cucumber Mosaic Cucummovirus
- CVYV = Cucumber Vein Yellowing Ipomovirus