Oval fruit shape with bright green skin colour and dark stripe which is slow to fade in hot sunny conditions. Tough rind with good shipping ability. Sweet flavour with brix averaging 11.
Hybrid Charleston type with oblong fruit which are relatively short. Approx. weight 12 kg. Good fruit set. Relatively early maturtiy for this type. Tough rind. Excellent for shipping
Small light brown seeds.
Hybrid Charleston type with oblong fruit approx. 13 kg. Widely adaptable and high yielding variety. Compact vines suitable for close spacing. Tough rind. Suitable for storage and shipping.
Seldom has hollow heart or misshapen fruit
Citrullus lanatus.
Attractive yellow flesh melon with excellent flavour, crisp and sweet. Early maturity. Attractive rind stripe. Care needs to be taken when harvesting to avoid cracking. Average fruit weight 3 kg.
Citrullus lanatus.
Large fruited ‘Summerfun’ type. Oblong, blocky fruit with dark green stripe on light green background. Very uniform fruit shape and size. Strong canopy with good fruit set. Fruit have small seeds and very thick rind. Average fruit weight 7 – 10kg
Medium sized, Sugar Baby type. Vigorous grower with good setting ability and high yields. It has a firm rind for shipping and storage. Average fruit weight 5 – 6kg