Cos Lettuce
Open-heart type for Spring, Summer and Autumn harvest
- Very similar to Auvona with the added benefit of wider resistances to Downy Mildew and Nasonovia Aphid
- Solid mid rib with less pinking and longer shelf life
- Sweet flavoured dark green leaves with slight blister and “crunch” to texture
- Very good recovery rate when processing for whole leaves or Caesar salads
- Dual purpose for processing and sleeving for fresh market
- Disease Resistance HR Bl:29-34, 36, 39, 40EU/Nr:0 IR Ss(Rs).
Additional comments and cultural notes
Disease Resistance Key:
- HR = High Resistance IR = Intermediate Resistance
- Bl = Bremia lactucae (Downy mildew)
- Nr = Nasanovia aphid
- SS(RS) = Sphingomonas suberifacieus (Corky Root)
Rijk Zwaan
Pack Size:
5,000 split pills
Technical Sheet: