Iceberg Lettuce
- Very good uniformity with high percentage cut out rate
- Dark green colour, medium size frame
- Best suited to Autumn and Spring
- Relatively high core but not fast bolting
- Good internal quality and flavour
- Disease Resistance HR Bl:31, 32, 34, 36EU/Nr:0/Pb IR LMV:1.
Additional comments and cultural notes
Disease Resistance Key
- HR = High Resistance IR = Intermediate Resistance
- Bl = Bremia lactucae (Downy mildew)
- Nr = Nasanovia aphid
- Pb = Pemphigus busarius (Lettuce Root Aphid)
- LMV = Lettuce Mosaic Virus

Iceberg Lettuce
- Spring and late Autumn harvest
- Dark green leaves
- Good vigour in cool conditions
- Best results harvested in spring
- Well closed base and nice round head shape
- Sits upright making for easier harvest
- Very good uniformity with high cut out rates
- Disease Resistance HR Bl:31, 32EU/Nr:0/Pb.
Additional comments and cultural notes
Disease Resistance Key
- HR = High Resistance IR = Intermediate Resistance
- Bl = Bremia lactucae (Downy mildew)
- Nr = Nasanovia aphid
- Pb = Pemphigus busarius (Lettuce Root Aphid)

Iceberg Lettuce
Cold tolerant for Spring harvest
- Vigorous variety for Spring harvest
- Large frame and head size
- Well layered leaf structure suitable for processing
- Round head shape with some leaf blister
- Same harvest time slot as Gitanas RZ but with extra mildew resistance
- Disease Resistance HR Bl:31, 32EU/Nr:0/Pb.
Additional comments and cultural notes
Disease Resistance Key:
- HR = High Resistance IR = Intermediate Resistance
- Bl = Bremia lactucae (Downy mildew)
- Nr = Nasanovia aphid
- Pb = Pemphigus busarius (Lettuce Root Aphid)

Iceberg Lettuce
- Large frame with broad leaves
- Short core and slow bolting
- Strong against tip-burn
- Good heat tolerance for mid Summer harvest
- Dark green leaf but not glossy
- Recommended for Summer harvest
- Disease Resistance HR Bl:31, 32EU/Fol:4/Nr:0/Pb.
Additional comments and cultural notes
Disease Resistance Key:
- HR = High Resistance IR = Intermediate Resistance
- Bl = Bremia lactucae (Downy mildew)
- Fol = Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lactucum
- Nr = Nasanovia aphid
- Pb = Pemphigus busarius (Lettuce Root Aphid)